Friday, January 21, 2011

Enneagram Workshop

The greatest happiness is to know the sources of our unhappiness.

The Enneagram is not modern psychology. It is a time-tested ancient system showing us a map of our personality. It has been dated as far back as 5,000 years. Personality means what we grew up with we learned, what you learned we practiced, what we practiced we became. Character is what we were born with and personality is what we learned.
            For example it may have been your character to be sensitive to the feelings of others. As you grew up you were rewarded for that behavior and over identified with being a good person by being available for the needs of others. In the extreme, your needs were not seen and you yourself were not even aware when you over extended yourself.Over time it depresses and exhausts your life causing DIS-ease. The personality is a mechanism, a necessary way of dealing with life. It is the predictable response to life that keeps us repeating patterns and finding ourselves in similar situations over and over again.
  For example, you may find yourself in a repeated number of abusive relationships. Or you find yourself blocked in emotional expression or fear of showing vulnerability. We sabotage our future with our automatic behavior, our past pains and out-of-date beliefs. The Enneagram shows us our automatic, unconscious, and programmed responses to life that keep producing the same results. It helps us disengage from automatic behavior and so enables us to have free choice. For example helping when it´s right for you.Or being assertive or flexible in the right situations.Anything done unconsciously to the extreme of itself is bound to have negative consequences to your relationships, your health and your happiness.
 The Enneagram is a moving force from fixation to potent possibilities.

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