Friday, January 21, 2011

Emotional Intelligence

I first heard the term emotional intelligence when I was a child.
My old Russians grandparents would talk about it.
I didn't understand what they meant at the time but
I could somehow feel the importance of the conversation
And the memory stayed with me.
Having grown up in Australia, I often went
Walkabout with my Aborigine friends.
The elders talked about how we have come to this planet
To learn to develop our emotional intelligence.
That's why we are born on this physical planet they say,
Why we are physical this time round, why we experience physical pain.
They told me the fastest vibration is emotion. It's even faster than light
So it's very hard for our consciousness to catch and hold onto it,
And not let it take control of our life.
But if we evolve that energy then that's the way home. 
Or, as Buddha said,
“Find the face you were before you were born.”
Why wasn't I taught that at school, I asked?
Isn't that the most important thing to learn?
Is that why so many people are on anti-depressants?
Is that why narcissism, depression, schizophrenia
Are the now modern dis-eases?
What is knowledge without emotional intelligence creating on our planet?
Is it fear?
Yet, the prophets say     “Do not be afraid.”            Why?
Because it's the opposite direction to opening the heart?
Because it retards emotional intelligence?

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