Friday, January 21, 2011

Enneagram Workshop Level 2

     The next level of the enneagram workshop is to learn the different personality manifestations, for example.Which is your primary function.  Instinct  Emotion or Thinking? Which is your primary re-action. Introvert  Extovert or Denial
     This workshop is to clearly see how and why we do what we do.. How that manifests in our life.And how we can use it as a tool for our evolution. To see exactly how our personality thinks feels and acts in certain situations liberates us from re-action. If it can be observed it means it's a part of you but it is not you. Your body is yours but it is not you.The process of seeing creates integration.
     It also makes us aware of how our personality effects our health. The trance of the personality blinds us to the fullness of our true nature. This work also helps heal painful past friends and family relationships by understanding that everyone sees the world through their own lens and not ours.
     For example: I must be strong to be respected,to survive. I can't be vulnerable I'll be taken advantage.I must help everyone to be a good person.If I don't feel it it won't hurt me.
     By clearly seeing and understanding our patterns we become free to choose.

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